Author: christomer

Juicy storm system for Colorado

Tomer’s Take A juicy, sloppy March storm system hits Colorado 3/16-3/17 with big totals at Winter Park, Loveland, A-Basin, Keystone, Breckenridge, Cameron Pass, and Eldora. A second storm system hits CA, UT, ID, WY, MT, CO, NM 3/19-3/21. Northeast: 3/19-3/20 storm system is trending warmer with rain/snow. Water vapor satellite shows the storm track and […]

La Nina continues into Summer

Water temperatures in the Equatorial South Pacific are running about 1.0C colder than normal. The latest forecast calls for water temps to stay colder than normal into Summer – through June-July-August. The blue bars in the graph below represent La Nina. Here’s a look at the model spread over time. We’ve been locked into La […]

Snow forecast next 8 days

Tomer’s Take Storm track favors PNW, B.C. for big totals through 3/24 with a few different storm systems lined-up. Storm track sends southern wave of snow into CA, UT, ID, WY, CO, NM 3/15 through 3/17. This is a warmer storm system so snow levels could be a touch higher. Another storm system hits same […]