Tomer’s Take: High rain/snow line continues in CA. Next atmospheric river (AR) surge arrives late 3/13-3/15. Looking down the road, another storm system hits the West 3/19-3/21 with colder air.
My mountain weather forecast video 3/12:
Forecast Tahoe Rain/Snow Line
3/12: Up to 7100′
3/13: Up to 7400′
3/14: Up to 8400′
3/15: Up to 6700′
Forecast Pattern
Forecast jet stream valid 3/19. Strong jet streak over the Pacific escorting next storm system into the West.

Forecast Timing
Forecast radar/satellite valid 3/12-3/17:
Forecast Totals


Main storm system hits late 3/13 through early 3/15. Light snow on 3/18.