Tomer’s Take: 1-3 Feet of total accumulation 3/13-3/15 above 6,000ft across Colorado’s Front Range Foothills, Continental Divide and Southern Colorado.
Denver gets rain on 3/13 changing to snow overnight into 3/14. Heavy accumulation especially above 6,000ft, west of I-25, and across the Palmer Divide. Significantly less in Northern Colorado, Fort Collins, and Greeley.
*Updated 4:30pm 3/12/2024.
Colorado: Light Accum overnight into 3/13, H PM 3/13-3/14, L/M 3/15.
Tetons: L/M Accum Now-3/13.
Wasatch: M/H Accum Now-3/13.
New Mexico: Light Accum 3/13, M/H 3/14-3/16.
Northeast: R 3/15, R/S 3/17.
My afternoon forecast video update:
Current Setup
Water vapor satellite shows the main storm system crashing into the West Coast sending snow into the Sierra/WA/OR/ID/UT/WY.
Orange/red = drier air aloft.

Forecast Radar & Satellite
Forecast Totals
Grand totals by late 3/21.

Hey Chris, I appreciate you sneaking the front range totals in there!
You bet, thanks, Erin! Chris