Active storm track through Christmas across the West

Tomer’s Take

  • I’m forecasting 3-4 different storm systems through Christmas for California’s High Sierra from Shasta to Tahoe to Mammoth.
  • Two of the storm systems next week could have atmospheric river influence.
  • I’m forecasting three different storm systems through Christmas for the Pacific Northwest.
  • A storm system could hit the Intermountain West (ID, UT, WY, MT, CO) around Christmas (12/23-12/25).

Look at the active storm track over the Pacific Ocean.

Infrared satellite with storm track, 12/16/2021 5am.

Snow is falling across California’s High Sierra Thursday morning. Here’s the view at Mammoth Mountain.

Mammoth Mountain Village cam 12/16/2021.

If the atmospheric river (AR) does influence California’s storm systems next week then we could be looking at significant snow. The latest integrated vapor transport forecast does indicate weak to moderate AR intensity 12/20-12/22.

IVT forecast 12/16/2021.


Wednesday delivered severe wind to Colorado. Gusts ranged from 60-112mph+. Looking ahead, my wind gust forecast is more reasonable on Colorado’s 14ers.

Tomer 14er wind gusts forecast 12/16/2021.

Snow Forecast

Let’s break my snow forecast down into two time-frames.


Inches of snow 12/16-12/19.


Inches of snow 12/20-12/25.

Drilling down, here’s my snow plume forecast for Mammoth Mountain, CA through Christmas.

Inches of total snow.

For more analysis please watch my forecast video:

6 thoughts on “Active storm track through Christmas across the West

  1. Jerry Roys

    This is cool. I try to watch you in the mornings. I have a roofing company and I need to know what is going on with the weather. For the longest time when it comes to the weather. My brothers and I refer to the upcoming forecast as, “Tomer says. . .” Thank you.

  2. Cody Knopf

    WB2 needs to be on YouTube TV! We cord cut a year ago to save money, but I really miss your weather forecast in the morning! Your the best and most accurate in the metro area!

  3. Randall

    MVM, (most valuable Meteorologist)

    Words I prefer not to hear:
    1. Dome
    2. High Pressure
    3. Bullet Proof
    Words I prefer:
    1. Multi-system pattern
    2. Atmospheric rivers
    3. Plume
    4. Measured in feet.

    Keep up the great work !

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