Snow forecast this week across the West

Three storm systems are lined-up for the Intermountain West this week.

  • 1st storm system sacrifices itself to chip away at and dislodge the big high pressure dome.
  • 2nd storm system is minor and fast-moving.
  • 3rd storm systems is the main event. It’s also colder and windier.
Infrared satellite and storm track 12/6/2021 5am.

Snow Forecast

The first two storm systems help to establish a more favorable storm track for the the 3rd storm system to flourish.

Notice the big dip at jet stream level in the forecast image below. These strong winds and colder temperatures will increase the generation and efficiency of snowfall.

Jet Stream forecast valid 12/10/2021. GFS interpretation.

My wind gust forecast for the highest Western peaks reveals two surges. One surge occurs with the first storm system, and a second larger surge occurs with the 3rd storm system.

Tomer wind gust forecast (mph). 12/6/2021.

Here’s my snow forecast in two timeframes.

Snow totals (inches) between 12/6-12/8:

Inches of snow 12/6-12/8.

Snow totals (inches) between 12/9-12/12:

Inches of snow 12/9-12/12.

Let’s drill down a little more. Here’s my snow plume forecast for mid-mountain Park City, UT.

Inches of snow over time.

23 thoughts on “Snow forecast this week across the West

  1. Nathan Mcnary

    ❄️?❄️?❄️?❄️?❄️?❄️???? that’s me and my friends doing a snow dance!!! Thanks Chris your awesome!!!!!

  2. Kevin Krill

    Watching weather for the Crested Butte Nordic Center.
    How do you feel about the Open Snow forecasts? Do you think they pump the stoke a little too much? i.e. Heavy on accumulation?

    1. Frank K

      K2, IMO Opensnow is almost always pessimistic for CB, even when he shouldn’t be. So if he actually has us in the bulls-eye for once, that’s a good sign. The wind direction is perfect for us, I think this might be legit. Fingers crossed. Good to see you on the mesa yesterday.

      1. christomer Post author

        Thanks for the comments, Frank! I agree about wind direction. I’d be surprised if CB doesn’t get 1-2 feet by Friday. As for OpenSnow, we all view the data differently so I just view it as another opinion. Chris

    2. christomer Post author

      IMO, the wind direction is good for CB, especially the 3rd storm system. I’d be surprised if grand totals fail to reach 1-2 feet by Friday afternoon. Thanks for being part of this Blog! Chris

  3. Jonathan Batson

    Thanks Chris! Looks like Silverton area is going to make out good with this series of storms. Stoked!

    1. christomer Post author

      I think so too, Jonathan. I’d be surprised if the higher peaks around Silverton don’t receive 2 feet by Friday afternoon. Thanks for being part of this Blog! Chris

  4. Kevin Cafaro

    Great news!! interesting about the storms with precip. i didnt know that a high pressure system needs a few low pressure storms to break it down allowing the snow to flow. good stuff.

  5. John Sudduth

    so enjoy your updates and which largely pertain to the ski areas
    Do you do the same for the rest of Colorado and the Front Range along with road conditions for those traveling
    thank you again ?

  6. David Jones

    Hi Chris – thanks for your forecasts – – I live in NW colorado and appreciate the more detailed mountain forecast that is sometimes missing on Denver news. QUESTION – any longer-term storm track/snow forecast for the next month? After these three storms move across the mountains this week what are the possibilities of another big High setting up or will we now be in a pattern more favorable for snow?
    Thanks again,
    David Jones

    1. christomer Post author

      Thanks, David! High pressure might sneak back in after this storm cycle, but there’s some indication that lower pressures come back after that through Christmas favoring the Western Slope ski areas. Chris

  7. Randall

    And its Copper (AU) out in front with an early 3″. Breck, Heavenly, Snowmass all 2″, Utah -0-

    I’m just betting that CB is not getting the most snow in the big storm. It’s just in too odd of a canyon/butte mountain area to beat Silverton or WC.

    1. christomer Post author

      Thanks, Randall! IMO, CB does well with 1-2 feet by Friday afternoon. Silverton and Wolf Creek should get at least two feet. Chris

  8. Claudia C

    Hi Chris! Would this storm drop enough snow by the end of the week to open Vail bowls? (We know you are skier) ⛷??

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